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Monday, January 4, 2010

Oblivion Collectors Edition Review

Well would you look at that, it's my first review!!!! This is a call for me to review one of my favorite games. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is what I shall review first. Not only that but I will be reviewing the collectors edition version.
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is a game that came out around 2006 or something like that on the PC and Xbox 360, but was then released on the PS3. Oblivion is a HUGE game that is not for the faint of heart. The game will take you an extremely large amount of time out of your life, so be warned you will NEVER get that time back. However, do not let that discourage you as this game is probably the best game you will play for a long time.
The story centers around your character. At the beginning you are in a prison cell for unknown crimes. The Emperor will come down the stairs and will escape through the cell. This starts one of the most boring tutorials I have EVER seen and you will want to get through it as fast as possible. Not only is it boring but most of the tutorial message will not pop up unless you pick up or use a special item. After the tutorial you are meant to find the dead emperor's son and stop Dagon from invading Cyrodill.
Now let's get to some of the technical details. The menu system is probably one of the best menu systems I have ever used. Some people seem to hate it but I love it. There are a large assortment of weapons and armor in this game that you may choose from, and depending on your class you can have blades, blunts, bows, and magic. The class system is pretty complicated and if you cannot get any help your first few characters will most likely not be the best ones ever made. The land is huge and if you were to try and walk across it you would have a long walk ahead of you. The average non-horseback ride could average somewhere between 5-20 minutes depending on the distance. The are many dungeons and various places you must discover to put them on your map for fast travel.
There are many quests in this game and just doing the guilds and the main quest line could take you around 20-30 hours for all of it. Then you have the side quests which could take you around 20 hours to do depending on your experience. If you get the expansions that's another 20-30 hours. With all that added up you STILL have all the various dungeons left to explore which could take you 50+ hours. This is definitely the game to get if you like long games.
Now on to the Collectors Edition set. The case comes in a nifty sleeve that looks like a regular case would. You slide out the case and you get a non-advertisement and info defiled box a pure beauty. Flip it over and you have a pic of an Oblivion gate. Open it up and your greeted by a Deadra and a Blade. On the left side you have your pocket guide to Tamriel and a nifty Bonus disk containing Some pics and a documentary. On the right side you have your game disk and manual and a nice map of the game. If your lucky you'll also have a Septim coin somewhere in the set but I wasn't lucky and didn't get one sadly.
Well there you have it, my first review done with Oblivion music playing in the background and Diet Coke on the side table. This game is a must have for any gamers collection, but be careful and don't forget about your real life like I did. This game made me fail Math because I was so immersed in it. Well thanks for giving your time to read this and I hop eto see you for my next review.

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